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    Research Areas Areas

    Polar subcodes

    A generalization of polar codes was suggested, known as polar subcodes or polar codes with dynamic frozen symbols. These codes have better distance properties  and provide better performance compared to classical polar codes. Their decoding can be implemented using any decoding algorithm suggested for classical polar codes.

    Sequential decoding of polar codes

    A generalization of the sequential decoding algorithm to the caae of polar codes was suggested. The proposed algorithm provides performance close to that of list decoding with much lower average complexity. Polar subcodes under sequential decoding provide both better performance and lower decoding complexity compared to LDPC codes.

    Polar codes with large kernels

    New techniques for construction of polar (sub)codes with large kernels were suggested: Methods for assessing the reliability of bit subchannels of the polarizing transformation, which allow one to select the indices of frozen symbols. Constructions of polar subcodes with large kernels with improved distance properties compared to classical polar codes. Methods for constructions of large polarization kernels, including kernels with the record rate of polarization and length-compatible kernels. New decoding methods for polar (sub)codes with large kernels were proposed: Kernel processing algorithms, which compute the log-likelihood ratios for kernel input symbols, as required by the successive cancellation decoding method. Window and recursive trellis methods were suggested, which have the lowest complexity among the presently known approaches. A sequential decoding algorithm for polar codes with  large kernels. Joint application of the proposed construction and decoding methods for polar subcodes with large kernels allows one to obtain both better performance and lower decoding complexity compard to similar codes with Arikan kernel.

    Last publications Publications

    2025 year
    • Ashikhmin A., Trifonov P.

      Fast Successive Cancellation Decoding of Polar Codes with Large Kernels // IEEE Transactions on Communications - 2025, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 3-11

    2024 year
    • Trofimiuk G.

      Fast Search Method for Large Polarization Kernels // IEEE Transactions on Communications - 2024, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 75-84

    • Trifonov P.

      Generalized Concatenated Polarization Kernels // IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) - Proceedings - 2024, pp. 2933-2938

    • Karakchieva L., Trifonov P.

      A Recursive Soft-Input Soft-Output Decoding Algorithm // IEEE Transactions on Communications - 2024, Vol. 72, No. 3, pp. 1290-1302

    2023 year
    • Trofimiuk G., Belyaev E., Trifonov P.

      Distributed Video Coding Based on Polar Codes // IEEE Communications Letters - 2023, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 778-781

    • Трифонов П.В.

      Построение и декодирование полярных кодов с большими ядрами: обзор // Проблемы передачи информации - 2023. - Т. 59. - № 1. - С. 25-45

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    2015 Department of Information Technology